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글로벌 탑 5 노트북업체 부품 부족으로 5월 출하량 7% 감소(2021.06.21)


Top-5 notebook vendor shipments slip 7% on month in May due to component shortages (digitimes.com)


Global top-5 notebook brands, not including Apple, saw their combined shipments drop 7% on month in May. Despite strong notebook demand from the end market, IC supply remained constrained, while the issue of incompatible components at vendors worsened, according to figures from Digitimes Research.

디지타임즈에 따르면, 애플을 제외한 글로벌 탑5 노트북업체들의 5월 출하량은 전월대비 7% 감소했다.

소비자의 노트북 수요는 강했으나, 부품 공급은 아직 부족한 상태로 상황은 더 나빠지고 있다.


HP saw inventory increase at channel in May, but the vendor's shipments were weaker than expec

ted due to serious problems concerning components incompatibility.

휴렛패커드는 심각한 부품 공급 불일치로 예상보다 저조한 출하량을 보였다.


Lenovo was the only vendor within the global top-3 to achieve an on-month shipment growth at 1% in May, as the company had been stocking inventory for the 618 promotion campaign in China and was gaining market share from other Chinese competitors.


Dell's shipments also slipped on month in May, as the supply of the customized components for Dell's enterprise models had worsened.


The top-3 ODMs' combined notebook shipments went down 10% on month in May. Quanta had better on-month shipment growth than the other two makers in the month thanks to orders from HP and Apple, Digitimes Research's figures show.

탑 3 ODM업체는 5월 노트북 출하량이 전월대비 10% 감소하였다.

하지만  콴타는 5월 출하량이 증가하였는데, 이는 HP와 애플의 주문 덕택이었다.