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자동차 반도체 후공정 매출 10억달러 돌파할 것(2022.02.14)


ASE expects auto chip backend biz to hit over US$1 billion in 2022 (digitimes.com)

대만의 반도체 후공정(테스팅, 패키징)업체인 ASE는 2022년 자동차 반도체 후공정 매출이 10억달러에 달할 것으로 예상.


Taiwan's leading OSAT ASE Technology expects revenues from backend services for automotive chips to break a landmark level of US$1 billion in 2022 after growing 60% on year in 2021.


대만의 반도체 후공정(테스팅, 패키징)업체인 ASE는 2022년 자동차 반도체 후공정 매출이

전녀내비 60% 증가한 10억달러에 달할 것으로 예상.


At a recent investors conference, ASE's chief operating officer Tien Wu disclosed that international IDMs are outsourcing increased backend operations for automotive chips solutions, with their order visibility clear through 2023 thanks to the company's highly reliable and stable processing quality.


최근 투자자 회의에서 ASE의 영업담당 사장은 글로벌 종합 반도체회사들이 ASE 신뢰할 수있고 안정적인 공정덕분에2023년까지 자동차 반도체 후공정 주문을 발주하고 이다고 밝혔다.


ASE Technology's consolidated 2021 revenues jumped 19.5% on year to NT$569.997 billion (US$20.47 billion), and net profits shot up 132% on year to a record high of NT$63.91 billion.


ASE의 2021년 연결 매출은 직전년도 대비  19.5% 증가한 5699억 대만 달러(원화 약 22.8조원)에 달했고,

순이익은 132% 증가한 639억대만달러(2.55조원)에 달했다.


The company's profits will grow further to another new high in 2022, Wu estimated, adding its first-quarter 2022 sales would outperform traditional seasonal pattern, given that its January revenues advanced 18.9% on year to NT$48.574 billion, a record high for the same month.


2022년 ASE의 매출은 사상 최고치를 기록할 것이고, 1분기 매출은 전통적인 비수기임에도 전년 동기대비

증가할 것이고, 1월 매출은 월간 사상 최고치인 전년 동월대비 18.9%증가한 485.74억 대만달러(약 1.93조원)에 달했다.


Wu said ASE will see its backed business lines including traditional wirebonding, advanced packaging,

high-end testing and SiP (system in package) services grow on year in 2022.


ASE는 와이어  본딩, 패키징, 테스팅 SiP 서비스를 제공하는 회사다. 


The company's wirebonding revenues are expected to see a double-digit increase in 2022 after growing 36% on year in 2021; its testing business is estimated to double this year, and advanced packaging revenues to log a higher on-year growth than 23% seen in 2021; and its SiP sales are expected to exceed US$500 million by the end of the year thanks to a stable customer base expansion.


Wu also noted that the global logic IC industry is estimated to grow 5-10% on year in 2022, but ASE's backend business growth rate for the segment is expected to double the industry average thanks to its expanded market share and accelerated outsourcing from IDMs.