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자동차 이미지센서 시장은 새로운 블루오션(2022.04.08)


분석:올해 이미지센서 시장 매출이  219억달러(약 26.3조원)에 달할 것이라고 하고,

삼성전자의 점유율이 25%이니 2022년 삼성전자의 이미지센서 매출은 6.57조원에 달할 것이다.

또 2025년까지 매년 20%씩 매출이 증가할 것이라고하니 2025년에는 삼성전자의

이미지센서 매출은 11.355조원에 달할 것이다.


Automotive CIS emerging as new blue-ocean market for supply chain (digitimes.com)

자동차 이미지센서는 생산자에게는 새로운 블루오션 시장으로 부상하고있다.


It seems that CMOS image sensor (CIS) demand momentum for mainstream handset applications has become stagnant amid unclear market prospects, but the automotive CIS segment is emerging as a new blue-ocean market for CIS suppliers, according to industry sources.


핸드폰용 이미지센서 시장 수요는 전망이 불확실한 가운데 정체된 것으로 여겨졌다.

그러나 자동차 이미지센서 시장이 새로운 블루오션 시장으로 떠오르고 있다고 산업 관계자는 분석했다.


The sources said handset vendors, particularly those in the Android campaign, currently show little interest in upgrading their phone cameras from three-lens setups to four-lens ones, and instead are striving to advance camera pixel specs to attract more consumers.


핸드폰 생산자는 특히 안드로이드폰 생산자들은 현재 그들의 핸드폰의 카메라렌즈 개수를 3개에서 4개로

업그레이드하는데 별로 관심이 없었다.

대신에 해상도를 높이기위해 카메라 픽셀수를 증가시키려 노력하고 있다.


Counterpoint estimates that global CIS sales will grow 7% on year to US$21.9 billion in 2022, with over 70% of the shipments for handset applications, compared to nearly 10% for automotive CIS and the remainder for other applications.


시장조사기관 카운터포인트에 따르면 글로벌 이미지센서 매출은 2022년에 전년동기대비 7% 증가한

219억달러 달할 것이고, 그중 70%는 핸드폰용이고 자동차용은 10%정도이고

나머지는 다른 애플리케이션용이라 하였다..


Sony is now the largest handset CIS supplier with a market share of around 40%, followed by 25% for Samsung Electronics and 13% for OmniVision. Nevertheless, Sony will see its CIS sales grow by only 3% on year in 2022,

lower than market average, the same tallies show.


소니는 이미지센서 글로벌 시장 점유율이 40%, 삼성이 25%, 옴니비젼이 13%차지한다.


As a major CIS supplier for Huawei handsets, Sony has lost significant growth momentum in the wake of the Chinese tech giant facing US trade sanctions starting late 2018. This has driven Sony to adjust its product portfolios by migrating closer to lower-end CIS solutions to serve other Chinese vendors, though it continues to deliver direct shipments of customized CIS devices for Samsung's Galaxy S series flagship smartphones and Apple's iPones, the sources said.


While the handset CIS market continues to see a three-horse race among Sony, Samsung and OmniVision, automotive CIS will become a new blue-ocean market segment for them, the sources noted, adding that they are all fast catching up with first-tier vendor Onsemi in the segment.


핸드폰용 이미지센서 시장에서는 소니, 삼성과 옴니비젼이 각축하는데,

자동차용 이미지센서 시장이 새로운 블루오션으로 떠오르면서 그들은 1인자인 온세미를 잡으려하고 있다.


Car-use CIS devices now command less than 10% of global CIS shipments, but automotive electronics is bound to become the second-largest application market, given that a future vehicle will require over 10 CIS devices, drastically up from 2-3 units currently, the sources said.


자동차용 이미지센서 시장은 글로벌 이미지센서 시장에서 점유율이 10%가 채안되지만,

자동차 전자장비 시장은 2번째로 큰 이미지센서 시장이되고 있고, 미래차에는 현재 차에 필요한 2~3개의 이미지센보다

급격히 증가한 10개가 넘는 이미지센서가 필요할 것이다.


They cited market research data showing automotive CIS shipments will register a CAGR of over 20% through 2025, as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) comprising CIS devices will become a standard feature for future vehicles.


시장 데이터에 의하면 자동차 이미지센서 시장은 2025년까지 연율 20%씩 성장할 것이고,

이미지센서 기기를 장착한 운전석 보조시스템인 ADAS가 미래 차의 특징이 될것이다.


The sources indicated Sony boasts many patented CIS stacking technologies such as those for pixel-layer chips, logic-layer image processing chips, DRAM chips and AI chips. The company is building a joint-venture foundry fab in Kumamoto, Japan in cooperation with TSMC to support production of automotive and other top-end CIS solutions.


Sony has migrated to 28-22nm from 40nm process node for the production of both logic- and pixel-layer chips for its CIS modules at TSMC's facilities in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP), the sources said.


소니는 그의 이미지센서 모듈용 로직반도체와 화소반도체 생산을  TSMC의 40나노 공정에서

28-22나노 공정으로 바꿨다.


Samsung reportedly is also moving to adopt 28nm process technology to manufacture CIS products for both handset and automotive applications, while OmniVision is also deepening its deployments in automotive CIS supplies relying on TSMC for production, the sources said.


삼성은 이미 핸드폰용이나 자동차용 이미지센서 생산에 28나노 공정을 채택하고 있다..


TSMC and local peers UMC and PSMC, as well as CIS vendors PixArt Imaging and Silicon Optronics, and backend specialists King Yuan Electronics (KYEC), Tong Hsing Electronic Industries, Xintec and Powertech Technology are all poised to benefit greatly from ever-growing demand for automotive CIS in 2022 and beyond, the sources said.