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5G시대에 낸드의 수요에 낙관론을 피력했다(2020.03.31)



5G ,스마트폰과 서버 수요로 인한 낸드의 상승장이 향후 5~10년간 지속될 것으로 예상.




Flash controller maker Phison to enhance R&D for 5G, server applications

NAND flash controller specialist Phison Electronics has disclosed plans to expand its factory site in northern Taiwan with total investment estimated at NT$1.4 billion (US$46.2 million), seeking to strengthen its R&D to capitalize on strong demand for 5G and server applications.


대만의 낸드컨트롤러 전문업체인 파이슨 대만 북부 공장을 확장할 것이라는 계획을 밝혔다.


The company will set up an R&D center to house 1,500-2,000 more engineers and expand warehousing management systems at the expanded factory site, with the new facilities to be completed by the end of 2021 for official runs in early 2022.

Company president KS Pua has expressed optimism about demand for NAND flash chips in the 5G era. He stressed the next wave of NAND flash supply shortages will be mainly driven by strong demand for proliferating 5G applications including construction of base stations, autonomous vehicles and edge computing devices.


파이슨의 푸아 사장은 5G시대에 낸드의 수요에 낙관론을 피력했다. 그는 강조하기를 낸드 메모리의

다음 공급 부족 사태는 기지국 건설과 자율주행차와 엣지컴퓨팅 기기등을 포함한 5G관련 수요에서

발생할 것이라고 강조했다.

Pua said that the upcoming bullish trend for NAND flash chips will last 5-10 years as strong chips demand for 5G base stations, handsets and servers can hardly be satisfied in 1-2 years.


파이슨의 푸아 사장은 다가오는 낸드의 상승장은 5G 기지국, 핸드셋과 서버의 강한 수요가 1-2년안에

충족될 수없을 것이므로,5-10년간 지속될 것이라고 예상했다.

Pua also noted that encryption technology will be emerging as a new major trend for memory storage, with countries requiring diverse encryption solutions. He disclosed Phison will kick off 12nm process in 2020 and is also developing 7nm process for its NAND flash controller chips, which are expected to enter the tape-out stage in 2021-2022.

Contract prices for memory are set to pick up in the second quarter, but whether prices may take a downturn in the third quarter remains to be seen given that spot market prices are showing signs of softening, industry sources said, adding that when the pandemic can ease will determine the movement of both contract and spot prices for NAND flash and other memory chips.

3분기에는 낸드 가격이 하락할 수도 있다.