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삼성 3분기 스마트폰 출하량 1위(2020.10.30)



IDC에 따르면 2020년3분기 글로벌 스마트폰 출하량은 전년 동기대비 1.3% 감소했으나, 9% 감소할 것으로 예상한

IDC의 전망보다는 좋았다.

코로나 전염병으로부터의 봉쇄가 풀린 덕으로 3억5360만대의 스마트폰이 출하되었다. 


삼성의 점유율은 22.7%(8040만대)로 1위, 화웨이는 14.7%로 2위 샤오미는  13.1%, 애플은 전년 동기대비 11%감소한 4160만대를 판매해 점유율 11.8%로 4위를 차지.

(분석: 삼성은 컨콜에서 스마트폰 8800만대, 태블릿 900만대 판매했다고함

news.v.daum.net/v/20201030065004981 )

애플은 아이폰12 발매가 늦어져 4분기 실적으로 잡히므로 4분기 실적은 성장할 것으로 예상.


New IDC data shows the global smartphone market's shipments declining 1.3% Y/Y in Q3, stronger than IDC's prior 9% decline forecast.

A total of 353.6M smartphones were shipped in the quarter, driven by the worldwide reopenings as the pandemic restrictions eased.


"Although there was an element of pent-up demand that fueled market growth, it was mainly the array of heavy promotions and discounts that accelerated growth in these markets," says Nabila Popal, research director with IDC's Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers. "In India, distance learning has actually boosted the demand for low-end smartphones as they are a more affordable option compared to tablets. The increased low-end demand only further increases competition and adds pressure to the vendors' bottom line."

Larger markets like China, Western Europe, and North America posted the largest declines. Those are also the largest markets for Apple's iPhone, so the declines were likely due to the iPhone 12 launch delay.

IDC says it's "very clear" that consumers in larger markets will want a 5G phone "regardless of which brand or price point they are focused on."

Market share: Samsung (OTC:SSNNF,OTC:SSNLF) returned to first place with a 22.7% share and 80.4M shipments, up 3% Y/Y. Huawei, hurt by the U.S. supplier ban, slipped into second with a 14.7% share and 51.9M shipments, down 22%. Xiaomi (XI) pushed ahead of Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) for the first time with a 13.1% share and 42% growth.


Apple had an 11.8% share with 41.6M iPhones shipped, down 11% Y/Y due to the delayed iPhone 12 launch that pushed the product into Q4. IDC expects Apple to grow in the coming quarters.


IDC's match with Apple's fiscal Q4 report yesterday, which featured weak iPhone revenue ahead of the iPhone 12 launch. The delay also tanked sales in Greater China, a market where users prefer new smartphones. Apple expected the situation to improve in FQ1, which will include the new phones.

Previously: Weak iPhone sales drive Apple shares lower after FQ4 beats; Services, Macs hit new records (Oct. 29 2020)

Here's a look at the market shares of the smartphone vendors over the past year, via IDC:

Now read: Apple: Best Ever iPhone May Have Disappointing Sales »