Enterprise SSD Contract Prices Likely to Increase by 15% QoQ for 3Q21 Due to High SSD Demand and Short Supply of Upstream IC Components, Says TrendForce
3분기 기업용 SSD 가격은 강한 수요와 공급 부족으로 전분기대비 15% 상승할 것.
The ramp-up of the Intel Ice Lake and AMD Milan processors is expected to not only propel growths in server shipment for two consecutive quarters from 2Q21 to 3Q21, but also drive up the share of high-density products in North American hyperscalers’ enterprise SSD purchases, according to TrendForce’s latest investigations.
트렌드포스의 최근 조사에 따르면 인텔의 아이스레이크 CPU와 AMD의 밀란 CPU양산으로 2분기와 3분기 연속으로
서버 출하량이 증가하고, 북미 시장에서 고성능 컴퓨터의 기업용 SSD중 고용량 제품의 수요 증가가 강해졌다.
In China, procurement activities by domestic hyperscalers Alibaba and ByteDance are expected to increase on a quarterly basis as well.
중국 시장에서도 알리바바와 바이트댄스의 SSD 확보 수요가 전분기대비 증가하 것으로 예상된다.
With the labor force gradually returning to physical offices, enterprises are now placing an increasing number of IT equipment orders, including servers, compared to 1H21. Hence, global enterprise SSD procurement capacity is expected to increase by 7% QoQ in 3Q21.
근로자들이 점진적으로 사무실로 출근함에 따라 서버등의 IT기기 설치 대수가 상반기대비 증가하고 있다.
그래서 글로벌 기업용 SSD 확보량은 2021년3분기에는 전분기대비 7% 증가할 것으로 예상된다.
Ongoing shortages in foundry capacities, however, have led to the supply of SSD components lagging behind demand. At the same time, enterprise SSD suppliers are aggressively raising the share of large-density products in their offerings in an attempt to optimize their product lines’ profitability. Taking account of these factors, TrendForce expects contract prices of enterprise SSDs to undergo a staggering 15% QoQ increase for 3Q21.
하지만 지속적인 파운드리 공장의 생산 용량 부족으로 SSD 부품(컨트롤러) 공급이 수요에 못미치고 있다.
동시에 SSD 생산자들은 영업 이익을 최대화하기 위해서 고용량 제품의 SSD 생산 비중을 높이고 있다.
이런 요소들을 고려할때 3분기에 기업용 SSD 판매 가격은 2분기대비 15% 인상될 것으로 트렌드포스는 예상했다.
Looking ahead to 4Q21, TrendForce expects a decline in server shipment to bring about a corresponding downward correction in enterprise SSD procurement capacity. Meanwhile, clients will continue to validate higher-layer PCIe G4 products from Kixoia and Micron. On the other hand, as the shortage of SSD components becomes alleviated going forward, enterprise SSD suppliers’ production capacities will likely increase as well.
As a result, enterprise SSD contract prices for 4Q21 will likely remain relatively unchanged from 3Q21 levels.
2021년4분기를 예상하면, 서버 출하량 감소에 상응하는 기업용 SSD 확보 수요의 감소가 있을 것이다.
다른 면에서, SSD 부품(컨트롤러등) 부족은 향후 완화될 것이기 때문에 기업용 SSD 공급도 증가할 것이다.
그러므로 4분기 기업용 SSD 가격은 3분기와 비슷할 것이다.
Suppliers are making a strong push to develop PCIe G5 and CXL products as these new interfaces become available for server applications next year
Intel and AMD are expected to kick off mass production of Eagle Stream and Genoa CPUs, respectively, in 1H22.
In addition to being compatible with PCIe G5, these server processors will also support the CXL (Computer Express Link) interface.
TrendForce’s investigations indicate that NAND Flash suppliers have been fast-tracking their production of PCIe G5 SSDs in response to the upcoming mass production of Eagle Stream.
As such, these SSDs are likely to see market release between 2Q22 and 3Q22.
2022년 1분기에 인텔과 AMD는 이글스트림과 제노아 CPU를 양산할 것이다.
이들은 서버 CPU는 PCIE G5와 호환될 뿐만아니라 CXL 인터페이스도 지원한다.
트렌드포스의 조사에 의하면 낸드 생산업체들을 향후 양산하는 이글스트림 CPU에 대응하여,
PCIE G5 SSD를 조기에 양산하고 있다.
이들 SSD는 2022년2분기와 3분기 사이에 시장에 발매될 것같다.
Micron, on the other hand, has also announced its development of CXL products.
Because CXL enables optimized data transmission between CPU and other components, such as memory, GPU, ASIC, and FPGA, memory solutions with CXL interface are likely to experience rapid growth in the hyperscale market,
which is constantly in pursuit of faster data transmission speeds.
TrendForce believes that the release of increasingly fast data transmission interfaces will bring about a massive increase in the expenses and technological challenges associated with SSD controller IC development.
Enterprise SSD suppliers will subsequently have to jostle for market share by leveraging their respective unique competitive advantages.
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