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2020년 하반기 노트북과 태블릿 수요 양호할 것



Notebook and tablet demand remains robust, says Catcher


Catcher Technology will continue to enjoy strong demand for notebook and tablet chassis in the second half of 2020 while demand from the smartphone segment will depend on sales of clients' new devices, according to company chairman Allen Hung.


노트북과 태블릿 케이스 수요가 2020년 하반기에도 강할것이라고 캐쳐테크놀러지의 회장이 언급했다.

하지만 스마트폰 수요는 신규 모델에 달려있다고 말했다.


Hung pointed out that many of Catcher's clients have begun taking a cautious approach to their second-half operation, but so far there is no sign showing a major deceleration in demand during the period.

At the moment, the biggest uncertainty lies in the coronavirus pandemic, which continues ravaging countries worldwide, Hung said.


회사의 많은 고객들이 2020년 하반기 영업에 조심스럽게 다가가기 시작했지만,

수요가 급감한다는 신호는 없다.


Catcher reported consolidated revenues of NT$7.35 billion (US$247.03 million) for May, up 34.48% on year with consolidated revenues for the first five months of 2020 growing 27.72% on year to arrive at NT$32.68 billion.

Hung expects his company to achieve sequential growth in second-quarter 2020 revenues.


Hung pointed out that products need to feature more antennas to support 5G connection, but such a design requires more advanced technologies on metal chassis to allow stronger signal penetration and strength.


Heat generated from 5G modules also demands special-designed chassis to accelerate the dissipation

and this will further increase the prices for products that support 5G, Hung added.