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반도체 주식들은 힘든 한 주를 보낸 가운데 엔비디아 주식 4% 하락(2024.09.07)


Nvidia stock tanks 4% amid rough week for chip stocks (yahoo.com)


Nvidia stock tanks 4% amid rough week for chip stocks

Nvidia stock (NVDA) sank 4% on Friday as the semiconductor sector led a market sell-off in the final trading session of a volatile first week of September.

Technology (XLK) stocks declined after the monthly jobs report showed the unemployment rate fell to 4.2% in August from 4.3% in July, prompting some analysts to predict the Federal Reserve will cut rates by 25 basis points instead of 50 basis points at its policy meeting later this month.


9월 첫 주의 마지막 거래일에 반도체 부문이 시장 매도세를 주도하면서 Nvidia 주식(NVDA)이 금요일에 4% 하락했습니다.

기술주(XLK)는 8월 실업률이 7월의 4.3%에서 4.2%로 하락했다는 월간 고용 보고서가 발표된 후 하락했으며, 일부 애널리스트들은 이로 인해 연방준비제도(Fed)가 이달 말 정책 회의에서 금리를 50bp 대신 25bp 인하할 것이라고 예측했습니다.


Tech, which is normally a beneficiary of an interest rate cutting cycle, led the market declines. Investors have increasingly been questioning if capital expenditures for tech infrastructure will continue and whether the AI stock boom has peaked.

보통 금리 인하 사이클에서 혜택을 받는 기술주가 시장 하락을 주도했습니다. 투자자들은 기술 인프라에 대한 자본 지출이 계속될지, 그리고 AI 주식 붐이 정점을 찍었는지에 대해 점점 더 의문을 제기하고 있습니다.


"They're [investors] not going to get the support they were looking for from the Fed, and there's still remaining questions about where the spending is going, and the economy is okay, but not great," Peter Tchir, head of Macro Strategy at Academy Securities told Yahoo Finance.


"그들은 [투자자들] 연준으로부터 기대했던 지원을 받지 못할 것이며, 지출이 어디로 향할지에 대한 의문이 여전히 남아 있고, 경제는 괜찮지만 훌륭하진 않다,"라고 Academy Securities의 매크로 전략 책임자인 피터 티어가 야후 파이낸스에 말했습니다.





Nvidia's stellar growth streak this year has underpinned the market's performance. The stock led a sharp market rebound last month, but failed to continue the rally in late August following a lackluster reception to the company's quarterly results.

Nvidia shares have shed roughly 13% over the past four trading sessions.


Nvidia의 올해 눈부신 성장세는 시장의 성과를 뒷받침해왔습니다. 이 주식은 지난달 급격한 시장 반등을 이끌었지만, 분기 실적에 대한 미지근한 반응 이후 8월 말에 랠리를 이어가지 못했습니다.
Nvidia 주식은 지난 4번의 거래일 동안 약 13% 하락했습니다.


Shares of Broadcom (AVGO) also sank 10% after the semiconductor giant's lackluster sales forecast for the fourth quarter overshadowed its earnings beat.

Orders for the company's AI chips surged, while spending on broadband lagged.


반도체 대기업인 Broadcom(AVGO)의 주가도 4분기 실적 예상이 부진하다는 이유로 10% 하락하며, 실적 호조를 무색하게 했습니다.
회사의 AI 칩 주문은 급증했지만, 광대역 부문 지출은 부진했습니다.


"Clearly, the Street wasn't happy. They were looking for some sort of outsized number... But this is a little more of a story about the diversification of the business as well," the Futurum Group CEO Daniel Newman told Yahoo Finance on Friday.

"The core business has slowed a little bit, but has some favorable conditions to rotate back over these next few quarters." he added.

"분명히 시장은 만족하지 않았습니다. 그들은 뭔가 더 큰 수치를 기대하고 있었죠... 하지만 이것은 사업의 다각화에 대한 이야기이기도 합니다."라고 Futurum Group의 CEO인 다니엘 뉴먼이 금요일에 야후 파이낸스에 말했습니다.

"핵심 사업은 조금 둔화되었지만, 앞으로 몇 분기 동안 다시 회복될 수 있는 유리한 조건들이 있습니다."라고 그는 덧붙였습니다.

ASML (ASML) shares also fell 5% on Friday after the Dutch government announced increased export controls on advanced chip manufacturing equipment, citing national security concerns.

Morgan Stanley also removed the company as a "Top Pick" for European semiconductors and slightly lowered its price target.


ASML(ASML) 주식도 네덜란드 정부가 국가 안보 우려를 이유로 첨단 반도체 제조 장비에 대한 수출 통제를 강화한다고 발표한 후 금요일에 5% 하락했습니다.

모건 스탠리도 ASML을 유럽 반도체 부문에서 "최우선 추천" 목록에서 제외하고, 목표 주가를 소폭 하향 조정했습니다.



아래는 위 기사에 대한 댓글


Right now semis are seeing a sell off but also buying on weakness . (classic consolidation ) We are in a secular bear market inside a macro bull market.


현재 반도체 주식은 매도세를 보이고 있지만, 약세 시 매수도 함께 이루어지고 있습니다.  
(전형적인 통합 과정)  
우리는 거시적 강세장 안에 있는 구조적 약세장에 있습니다.  


Soon enough, the trend up resumes and then bears will be forced to cover . The quality of NVDA in this moment, both in terms of earnings growth and innovation, is second to none and particularly when the balance sheet is factored ,

곧 상승세가 재개되면 공매도자들은 포지션을 청산할 수밖에 없을 것입니다.  
현재 NVDA의 품질, 특히 실적 성장과 혁신 측면에서 그 누구와도 비교할 수 없으며, 재무 상태를 고려했을 때 더욱 그렇습니다.  


Forward earnings are growing much faster than the rate of inflation and leads the market in earnings growth. Same can be said for MAG 7 ( its going to be hard to experience a recession if the forward earnings are growing significantly faster than than the rate of inflation ) a recession ,

미래 실적은 인플레이션 속도보다 훨씬 빠르게 성장하고 있으며, 실적 성장 면에서 시장을 선도하고 있습니다. 이는 MAG 7에도 해당됩니다.  
(미래 실적이 인플레이션 속도보다 훨씬 빠르게 성장하고 있다면 경기 침체를 경험하기는 어려울 것입니다.)  



in the most basic sense , denotes a pullback or stall in the economic output.

no one wants to buy stocks when they are on sale - but that is the time to buy.

가장 기본적인 의미에서 경기 침체는 경제 산출의 후퇴 또는 정체를 의미합니다.  
누구도 주식이 세일 중일 때 사려고 하지 않지만, 그때가 바로 매수할 시기입니다.





Where Will Nvidia Stock Be in 5 Years? (yahoo.com)

Where Will Nvidia Stock Be in 5 Years?


The last five years have been incredible for Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) investors as shares of the semiconductor specialist have taken off in stunning fashion thanks to the terrific growth in its revenue and earnings, and a couple of solid catalysts in the form of video gaming and artificial intelligence (AI).


지난 5년은 Nvidia(NASDAQ: NVDA) 투자자들에게 놀라운 시간이었습니다. 반도체 전문 기업인 Nvidia의 주가는 매출과 이익의 급성장, 그리고 비디오 게임과 인공지능(AI)이라는 두 가지 강력한 촉매제 덕분에 눈부시게 상승했습니다.


An investment of just $100 in shares of Nvidia five years ago is now worth a whopping $2,850. The stock's gains of 2,750% during this period have crushed the S&P 500 index's jump of 93% in the past five years. But now, Nvidia is the world's third-largest company with a market capitalization of just over $2.9 trillion.


5년 전 Nvidia 주식에 단 $100를 투자했다면, 지금 그 가치는 무려 $2,850에 달합니다. 이 기간 동안 주식의 2,750% 상승은 지난 5년간 S&P 500 지수의 93% 상승을 압도했습니다. 하지만 이제 Nvidia는 시가총액이 2.9조 달러를 넘는 세계 3대 기업 중 하나입니다.


Expecting the stock to jump another 25 times to 30 times from current levels over the next five years doesn't seem logical as its market cap would then be worth a whopping $80 trillion.


 앞으로 5년 동안 주식이 현재 수준에서 25배에서 30배 더 상승할 것으로 기대하는 것은 논리적이지 않은데, 그렇게 되면 시가총액이 무려 80조 달러에 이를 것이기 때문입니다.


The global economy, for comparison, was worth an estimated $105 trillion last year. However, it is worth noting that Nvidia still has solid-growth drivers in the bag that could allow it to sustain healthy levels of growth over the next five years.

In this article, we will take a closer look at those catalysts and check how much upside this semiconductor stock could deliver over the next five years.


비교하자면, 세계 경제는 작년에 약 105조 달러 규모였습니다. 하지만 Nvidia는 앞으로 5년 동안 견실한 성장을 지속할 수 있는 강력한 성장 동력을 여전히 가지고 있다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있습니다.

이 기사에서는 이러한 촉매제들을 자세히 살펴보고, 이 반도체 주식이 향후 5년 동안 얼마나 큰 상승 잠재력을 가질 수 있을지 확인할 것입니다.


Nvidia's latest results indicate its AI-fueled growth is here to stay


Nvidia released fiscal 2025 second-quarter results (for the three months ended July 28) on Aug. 28. Its numbers turned out to be better than expected, with revenue jumping 122% year over year to $30 billion and non-GAAP earnings per share increasing by an impressive 152% from the same quarter last year to $0.68 per share.


Nvidia의 최신 실적은 AI로 촉발된 성장이 지속될 것임을 보여줍니다.  
Nvidia는 8월 28일 2025 회계연도 2분기 실적(7월 28일 종료된 3개월 동안)을 발표했습니다. 예상보다 더 좋은 실적을 기록했으며, 매출은 전년 대비 122% 증가한 300억 달러를 기록했고, 비GAAP 주당순이익은 같은 분기 대비 152% 증가한 주당 0.68달러에 달했습니다.


Wall Street analysts would have settled for $0.65 per share in earnings on $28.7 billion in revenue from the company. This is not where the good news ended as Nvidia is expecting its fiscal Q3 revenue to land at $32.5 billion, ahead of the $31.7 billion consensus estimate. That would translate into year-over-year growth of 80%.


월스트리트 애널리스트들은 Nvidia가 287억 달러의 매출에 주당 0.65달러의 이익을 낼 것으로 예상했으나, 좋은 소식은 여기서 끝나지 않았습니다. Nvidia는 3분기 매출이 325억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상하고 있으며, 이는 317억 달러라는 컨센서스 예상치를 상회하는 수치입니다. 이는 전년 대비 80%의 성장을 의미합니다.


Still, the stock has been slipping despite reporting such phenomenal growth and delivering stronger-than-expected guidance. This slight pullback, however, is an opportunity for investors to buy the stock as a closer look at its latest quarterly results indicate that it is witnessing solid growth across all of its businesses.


그럼에도 불구하고, Nvidia 주가는 이러한 놀라운 성장과 예상보다 강력한 가이던스를 보고했음에도 불구하고 하락세를 보였습니다. 그러나 이 약간의 후퇴는 Nvidia의 모든 사업에서 견실한 성장을 목격하고 있다는 최신 분기 실적을 고려할 때 투자자들에게 주식을 매수할 기회를 제공합니다.


The data-center segment, which grew a whopping 154% year over year and clocked record revenue of $26.3 billion, is benefiting big time from the robust demand for Nvidia's graphics processing units (GPUs), which are being deployed to train and deploy AI models. What's worth noting here is that customers have continued to purchase Nvidia's Hopper architecture-based GPUs even though the company is set to begin the production ramp of its next-generation Blackwell chips in the next quarter.


데이터 센터 부문은 전년 대비 154%나 성장하여 263억 달러라는 기록적인 매출을 달성했으며, 이는 Nvidia의 그래픽 처리 장치(GPU)에 대한 강력한 수요 덕분에 크게 혜택을 보고 있습니다. 이 GPU들은 AI 모델을 학습하고 배포하는 데 사용되고 있습니다. 여기서 주목할 점은 Nvidia가 다음 분기에 차세대 블랙웰(Blackwell) 칩의 생산을 시작할 예정임에도 불구하고 고객들이 여전히 호퍼(Hopper) 아키텍처 기반의 GPU를 계속해서 구매하고 있다는 것입니다.


As pointed out by CFO Colette Kress on the latest earnings conference call:

Blackwell production ramp is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter and continue into fiscal year '26. In Q4, we expect to get several billion dollars in Blackwell revenue. Hopper shipments are expected to increase in the second half of fiscal 2025.

Hopper supply and availability have improved. Demand for Blackwell platforms is well above supply, and we expect this to continue into next year.


최신 실적 발표 회의에서 CFO인 코렛 크레스가 지적한 바와 같이:

블랙웰(Blackwell) 생산은 4분기에 시작되어 2026 회계연도까지 계속될 예정입니다. 4분기에는 블랙웰 관련 매출이 수십억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 호퍼(Hopper) 출하량은 2025 회계연도 하반기에 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

호퍼의 공급 및 가용성이 개선되었습니다. 블랙웰 플랫폼에 대한 수요는 공급을 훨씬 초과하고 있으며, 이러한 추세는 내년까지 계속될 것으로 기대됩니다.


More importantly, Nvidia believes that the next-generation AI models are likely to require 10 to 20 times more computing power, suggesting that the demand for its data-center GPUs could keep growing in the long run. According to one estimate, the AI chip market could generate $311 billion in annual revenue in 2029 as compared to this year's estimate of $123 billion.


더 중요한 점은 Nvidia가 차세대 AI 모델들이 10배에서 20배 더 많은 컴퓨팅 파워를 필요로 할 것으로 예상하고 있다는 것입니다. 이는 자사의 데이터 센터 GPU에 대한 수요가 장기적으로 계속 증가할 수 있음을 시사합니다. 한 추정에 따르면, AI 칩 시장은 올해 예상치인 1,230억 달러와 비교하여 2029년에는 연간 3,110억 달러의 매출을 창출할 수 있을 것으로 예상됩니다.


Nvidia generated almost $49 billion in data-center revenue in the first half of its current fiscal year, indicating that it could end fiscal 2025 (which coincides with 11 months of calendar 2024) with almost $100 billion in revenue from this segment. Based on the $123 billion estimate of the overall AI chip market, Nvidia's share of this market could stand at around 80% by the end of this year.


Nvidia는 현재 회계연도 상반기에 약 490억 달러의 데이터 센터 매출을 창출했으며, 이는 2025 회계연도(2024년 달력상의 11개월과 일치)를 거의 1,000억 달러의 매출로 마칠 수 있음을 나타냅니다. 전체 AI 칩 시장의 1,230억 달러 추정치를 기준으로 하면, Nvidia의 시장 점유율은 올해 말까지 약 80%에 이를 수 있습니다.


Even if Nvidia's AI chip share falls over the next five years to even 70% thanks to the emerging competition, it could still generate $217 billion in annual data-center revenue after five years (based on the $311 billion size of the overall market). In simpler words, Nvidia's data-center revenue may double over the next five years.


비록 향후 5년 동안 경쟁이 심화되어 Nvidia의 AI 칩 시장 점유율이 70%로 떨어지더라도, 전체 시장 규모가 3,110억 달러라는 점을 감안할 때 5년 후에도 연간 2,170억 달러의 데이터 센터 수익을 창출할 수 있습니다. 즉, Nvidia의 데이터 센터 수익은 향후 5년 동안 두 배가 될 가능성이 있다는 뜻입니다.

(주:전체 AI칩 시장 규모는 2024년 약 1540억달러에서 2029년 3110억달러로 5년간 2배 성장.

즉,HMB시장 규모는 호퍼보다는 블랙웰에 HBM 사용량이 많으므로 2배이상으로 될 것)

(주:2024년9월3일 하이닉스는  HBM 시장이 2022년부터 2025년까지 연평균 109% 성장 예상)


Throw in the fact that the company's other businesses are also delivering healthy growth, it won't be surprising to see Nvidia becoming a bigger company over the next five years. For instance, the company's revenue from the gaming and AI personal computer (PC) segment was up 18% year over year to $2.6 billion.


회사의 다른 사업 부문들도 건전한 성장을 보이고 있다는 점을 고려하면, 향후 5년 동안 Nvidia가 더 큰 회사로 성장하는 것은 놀라운 일이 아닐 것입니다. 예를 들어, 게임 및 AI 개인용 컴퓨터(PC) 부문에서 회사의 매출은 전년 대비 18% 증가하여 26억 달러에 이르렀습니다.


Gaming has been Nvidia's bread and butter over the years, but now it contributes less than 10% to its top line. However, investors would do well to look at the bigger picture as the demand for AI PCs is set to boom over the next five years, paving the way for Nvidia to generate substantial revenue from the gaming and PC segment.


게임은 오랜 세월 동안 Nvidia의 주력 사업이었지만, 이제는 매출에서 차지하는 비중이 10% 미만으로 줄어들었습니다. 그러나 AI PC에 대한 수요가 향후 5년 동안 급증할 것으로 예상되므로, 투자자들은 더 큰 그림을 봐야 합니다. 이를 통해 Nvidia는 게임 및 PC 부문에서 상당한 수익을 창출할 수 있는 길이 열릴 것입니다.


Meanwhile, the company's professional-visualization revenue increased 45% year over year to $427 million thanks to the growing demand for the company's digital-twin solutions. As Kress remarked on the latest earnings call:

The world's largest electronics manufacturer, Foxconn, is using NVIDIA Omniverse to power digital twins of the physical plants that produce NVIDIA Blackwell systems. And several large global enterprises, including Mercedes-Benz, signed multiyear contracts for NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud to build industrial digital twins of factories.


한편, 회사의 전문 시각화(professional visualization) 부문 매출은 디지털 트윈 솔루션에 대한 수요 증가 덕분에 전년 대비 45% 증가하여 4억 2,700만 달러를 기록했습니다. Kress는 최근 실적 발표에서 다음과 같이 언급했습니다:

"세계 최대 전자 제조업체인 폭스콘(Foxconn)은 NVIDIA 옴니버스(Omniverse)를 사용해 NVIDIA 블랙웰(Blackwell) 시스템을 생산하는 물리적 공장의 디지털 트윈을 운영하고 있습니다. 또한, 메르세데스 벤츠를 포함한 여러 대형 글로벌 기업들이 공장의 산업용 디지털 트윈을 구축하기 위해 NVIDIA 옴니버스 클라우드(Omniverse Cloud)에 대해 다년 계약을 체결했습니다."


Again, this is another lucrative growth opportunity for Nvidia as the digital-twin market could generate $131 billion in revenue in 2029 as compared to $26 billion this year, according to Mordor Intelligence. In all, there are multiple reasons why Nvidia could turn out to be a solid investment over the next five years.


Mordor Intelligence에 따르면, 디지털 트윈 시장은 올해 260억 달러에서 2029년에는 1,310억 달러의 매출을 창출할 수 있기 때문에, 이는 Nvidia에게 또 하나의 수익성 높은 성장 기회입니다. 결론적으로, Nvidia가 향후 5년 동안 견고한 투자처가 될 수 있는 여러 가지 이유가 있습니다.


Nvidia's healthy prospects are the reason why analysts have ramped up their revenue-growth expectations for the company's current fiscal year and beyond.




NVDA Revenue Estimates for Current Fiscal Year data by YCharts.

Similarly, its bottom-line growth expectations have also seen a bump.



NVDA EPS Estimates for Current Fiscal Year data by YCharts.

The good part is that Nvidia is expected to clock annual-earnings growth of 52% for the next five years. Based on the company's fiscal 2025 earnings-per-share estimate of $2.84, its bottom line could jump to $23 per share after five years. The stock currently has a forward-earnings multiple of 45. However, even if it trades at a discounted 29 times forward earnings after five years, in line with the Nasdaq-100 index's forward-earnings multiple (using the index as a proxy for tech stocks), its stock price could hit $667.

That would be a jump of over 5 times from current levels, suggesting that this AI stock could continue to make investors richer in the next five years.


좋은 점은 Nvidia가 향후 5년 동안 연간 52%의 수익 성장률을 기록할 것으로 예상된다는 것입니다. 회사의 2025 회계연도 주당 순이익 추정치인 2.84달러를 기준으로, 5년 후에는 주당 순이익이 23달러로 급등할 수 있습니다. 현재 이 주식의 미래 수익 배수는 45배입니다. 그러나 5년 후 나스닥 100 지수의 미래 수익 배수(기술주를 나타내는 지표로 사용)를 기준으로 29배의 할인된 배수로 거래되더라도, 주가는 667달러에 이를 수 있습니다.

이는 현재 수준에서 5배 이상 상승할 수 있음을 의미하며, 이 AI 주식이 향후 5년 동안 투자자들에게 더 많은 부를 안겨줄 가능성을 시사합니다.