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마이크론 중국 시안 공장 정상 가동(2022.01.21)


Micron Xi’an Returns to Full Capacity

마이크론 중국 시안 공장 정상 가동


Xi’an, China, Jan. 21, 2022 -- Micron Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: MU), today released the following statement.

Micron’s DRAM assembly and test facility in Xi’an is back to operating at full capacity.

2022년1월21 마이크론은 중국 시안공장이 정상 가동으로 돌아왔다고 발표했다.


Micron remains in full compliance with the Xi’an Government’s city closure, which took effect on Dec. 23, 2021.

Our top priority remains the health and safety of our team members, contractors and the broader Xi’an community.


We thank our team members, subcontractor partners, suppliers and the local government for working to identify solutions that have enabled us to continue serving our customers and maintain operations at the site safely during the city closure.

아래는 지난 2021년12월29일 시안 봉쇄할때 발표한 것.

Xi’an, China, Dec. 29, 2021 -- Micron Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: MU), today released the following statement in response to the Xi’an Government’s city closure.

2021년12월29일 중국 시안봉쇄에 따른 마이크론의 발표문.


Micron is in full compliance with the Xi’an Government’s city closure, which took effect on Dec. 23, 2021. Our top priority is the health and safety of our team members, contractors and the broader Xi’an community.

마이크론은 지난12월23일 효력이 발생한 시안시 봉쇄에 따를 것이다.

회사의 가장 우선 순위는 임직원, 하청업체와 시안 지역의 건강과 안전이다.


The city’s closure has reduced Micron’s team member and contractor workforce at our Xi’an site, resulting in some impact to output levels of our DRAM assembly and test operations there.

시안 봉쇄는 시안공장 임직원과 하청업체의 노동인력을 감소시키고,이는 디램 패키징과 테스팅 작업에 영향을 미친다.


We are working with suppliers operating in this region that face similar challenges. We are also working with local government officials to identify solutions that will enable us to minimize impact of the situation and maintain operations at the site safely.

회사는 거래처와 긴밀한 협력을 유지하고, 회사의 영향을 최소화하고 공장 가동을 유지하기 위해

시당국과 협력하고 있다.


We are tapping our global supply chain, including our subcontractor partners, to help service our customers for these DRAM products.

회사는 디램 고객을 위하여 글로벌 공급망을 가동하고 있다.


We project that these efforts will allow us to meet most of our customer demand, however there may be some near-term delays as we activate our network. New or more stringent restrictions impacting our operations in Xi'an may be increasingly difficult to mitigate. We will continue to address the situation proactively and work closely with our customers, suppliers and logistics partners to ensure we minimize any impact to delivery schedules.


We take the threat posed by the spread of COVID-19 seriously and are employing appropriate measures to minimize the risk of virus transmission, including maximizing physical distancing and temporarily reducing workforce density at our Xi’an facility. To protect all those on our site, we have enhanced our already stringent COVID-19 protocols to include further facility reconfiguration and air flow ionization, advanced electronic contact tracing, on-site testing and encouraging vaccination.