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2021년4분기 PC출하량 3% 증가


PC shipments up 3% in 4Q21 (digitimes.com)


According to Counterpoint Research, global shipments of personal computers (PCs) reached over 90 million units in the fourth quarter of 2021, growing by 3.1% on year. The market remains upbeat about the first quarter of 2022.


시장 조사기관인 카운터포인트 리서치에 따르면 2021년4분기 P출하량은 전년 동기대비 3.1% 증가한

9천만대에 달했다고 한다.

시장은 2022년1분기도 낙관적으로 보고있다.




Apple (AAPL) Q1 2022 Earnings Call Transcript | The Motley Fool


Return of the Mac: Apple Sees Computer Sales Rise - TheStreet



Before the pandemic, personal computer (PC) sales declined steadily from a peak of 365 million globally that year to a low of 260 million in 2018. That number jumped a bit to 263 million in 2019, but 2020 represented a true comeback as 275 million PCs were  sold.


코로나 전염병이전에는 글로벌 PC 판매량은 지속적으로 하락하고 있었다.

2011년 3.65억대를 정점으로 2018년 2.6억대까지 지속적으로 하락하였다.

그후 조금씩 판매량이 늘어 2019년 2.63억대, 2020년 2.75억대까지 증가하였다.


That's a bounceback, but it's still well off the 365 million peak. However, it does return the industry to roughly where it was in 2007. Sales, of course, recovered because the Covid-19 pandemic increased demand.

코로나 사태로 PC 수요가 증가하고 있다.


More people worked from home and kids had remote school. Those two things forced a lot of families to buy new computers since multiple members of the household needed access to a PC at the same time.

This led to a bump in sales for Apple's (AAPL) - Get Apple Inc. Report Mac that has been sustained for quite a while. 


많은 사람들이 집에서 근무하고, 아이들은 원격 수업을 받았다.

이 두가지가  집안에서  다수의 구성원이 동시에 PC를 사용해야하기 때문에

많은 집들이 새 컴퓨터를 어쩔수없이 구매해야 했다.